- for Hosea
Return to me.
You who wears darkness
Like a wedding gown,
Who calls dust and
Ashes sweet friends.
Exchange your wasteland
For Eden,
Your thirst for Plenty,
Your wars for Peace.
Dance like David
as the tent of
YHWH returned
From the enemies of God
With rolling heads
To pave the weary way.
The nations did not know.
They did not turn.
It is not so
With you.
You have been
Bought with the spoils
Of the universe, with
The wine of heaven.
I sold myself
On our wedding day.
Sold my anger,
My fairness, my wrath.
What do you hold
In your hands
That I did not
Give you?
Even your very name
Is borrowed.
Not even life
Can you claim.
You were led
Into darkness
To see Light.
This is why you are here.
Do not trade a complex
For a simple answer.
Neither stop the asking.
Only remember:
life is a
Rolling shadow
With fire behind
And an ecstacy
--Fall 2009--
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